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Fescue Grass Seeds

Our selection of fescue grass seeds includes a variety of options to suit different needs and preferences. Whether you're looking for fine fescue grass seed, hard fescue grass seed, blue fescue grass seed, dwarf fescue grass seed, or a fescue mix grass seed, we have you covered. Each variety offers unique benefits, from drought tolerance to low maintenance requirements, making them ideal for various applications. We also offer convenient options like fescue grass seed for sale in 50 lb bags, perfect for large-scale projects.

Types of Fescue Grass Seed

Planting Tips for Fescue Grass Seed

Fescue grass is known for its versatility and resilience, making it a popular choice for fields, meadows, and restoration projects. Here are some essential tips to ensure successful planting and care of your fescue grass:


Soil Preparation

Test Soil pH: Fescue thrives in soil with a pH between 5.5 and 7.0. Adjust pH if necessary.


Clear the Area: Remove weeds, rocks, and debris from the planting area.


Loosen the Soil: Till the soil to a depth of 4-6 inches. This helps with root penetration and water retention.


Add Organic Matter: Mix in compost or organic matter to improve soil structure and fertility.



Choose the Right Time: The best time to plant fescue grass seed is in early fall or spring. Cooler temperatures and adequate moisture support germination and establishment.


Seed Selection: Use high-quality fescue seed from a reputable supplier. Our fescue seeds are carefully selected for purity and performance.


Seeding Rate: Spread the seed at a rate of 5-8 pounds per 1,000 square feet for a new field or meadow. For overseeding, use 3-5 pounds per 1,000 square feet.


Seed Distribution: Use a broadcast spreader for even seed distribution. To ensure uniform coverage, spread half the seed in one direction and the other half at a right angle.


Seedbed Preparation

Rake Lightly: Lightly rake to cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil (about 1/8 inch).


Firm the Soil: Gently press the soil with a roller or the back of a rake to ensure good seed-to-soil contact.



Initial Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist until the grass is established. Water lightly but frequently (2-3 times a day) to keep the topsoil damp.

Post-Germination: Once the grass is established, reduce watering to 1 inch per week, applied deeply and infrequently.

Care Tips for Fescue Grass


First Mow: Wait until the grass reaches 3-4 inches in height before the first mow.


Mowing Height: Maintain a mowing height of 2.5 to 3.5 inches. Never cut more than one-third of the grass height at a time.


Mowing Frequency: Regular mowing promotes healthy growth and helps control weeds.



Initial Fertilization: Apply a starter fertilizer at the time of planting.


Maintenance Fertilization: Fertilize fescue grass in the fall and spring with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer. Avoid high-nitrogen fertilizers in summer.



Regular Watering: Water deeply and infrequently, providing about 1 inch of water per week, including rainfall. Early morning is the best time to water.


Drought Stress: During dry periods, increase watering frequency to prevent drought stress.


Weed Control

Pre-emergent Herbicide: Apply a pre-emergent herbicide in early spring to prevent weed seeds from germinating after plants are established.


Spot Treatment: Use post-emergent herbicides for broadleaf weeds, applying them when weeds are actively growing.


Disease and Pest Management

Monitor Regularly: Look for signs of disease and pests. Fescue is susceptible to brown patch and other fungal diseases.


Proper Maintenance: Ensure proper mowing, watering, and fertilization practices to reduce the risk of disease.



Annual Aeration: Aerate your fescue field once a year, preferably in the fall. This helps reduce soil compaction and improves water and nutrient absorption.


These planting and care tips will help you establish a lush, healthy fescue field or meadow. Our high-quality fescue grass seeds are selected to ensure robust growth and adaptability to various conditions. With proper care, your fescue will thrive and provide a beautiful, resilient ground cover.

Fescue Grass Seed FAQs

How Do I Plant Fescue Grass Seed?


To plant fescue grass seed, prepare the soil by removing any weeds and debris. Loosen the topsoil to a depth of about 3 inches. Spread the fescue grass seed evenly over the area, ensuring good seed-to-soil contact. Lightly rake the seeds into the soil and water thoroughly.


When Should I Plant Fescue Grass Seed?


The best time to plant fescue grass seed is in early fall or spring when temperatures are cooler, and moisture levels are higher. This allows the seeds to establish strong roots before the heat of summer or the cold of winter.


How Long Does Fescue Grass Seed Take to Grow?


Under optimal conditions, fescue grass seed typically germinates within 10 to 14 days. Full establishment can take several weeks, depending on the variety and growing conditions. Consistent watering and proper care will promote healthy growth.


How Much Fescue Grass Seed Per Square Foot?


For most fescue varieties, sowing about 6 to 8 pounds of fescue grass seed per 1,000 square feet is recommended. This ensures dense coverage and healthy growth.


How Much Fescue Grass Seed Per Acre?


For larger areas, you will need approximately 250 to 300 pounds of fescue grass seed per acre. This rate provides sufficient seed for optimal coverage and establishment.

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