How To Order: This species is sold in quantities of 3 lbs. If you order Qty: 1, you are ordering 3 lbs. Examples: 1 = 3 lbs, 25 = 75 bs.
Common Name: Hairy Vetch
Scientific Name: Vicia villosa
Native / Introduced: Introduced
Main Uses:
~Rangeland and pasture
~Erosion control
Height: 1 - 2 feet
Colors: White, purple, violet and pink flowers
Flowering Season: Fall
Soil Types: Most cool soils, prefers fertile loam soil
Sun or Shade: Full sun, partial shade
Minimum Precipitation: 18 - 35 inches
Lifecycle: Annual or Biennial
Planting Seed Rate: 20+ lbs/acre
Estimated Seeds Per Pound: 20,000
Optimal Planting Season: Fall
Planting Depth: 1 - 1 1/2 inch
Stratification Requirements: None if planting in the fall
Category: Fobs
Hairy Vetch, a winter-active legume, predominantly exhibits growth during the fall season. This plant, which can be either annual or biennial, originates from Europe and western Asia. Its significant palatability to both wildlife and livestock makes it a valuable component of forage and cover crop systems. In cover crop applications, it is often sown in combination with rye, as its vining and climbing nature benefits from the support provided by the rye. Hairy Vetch is renowned for its remarkable nitrogen-fixing capabilities, contributing to soil fertility.
Hairy Vetch is recognized for its resilience, particularly in wetter soil conditions and colder winter climates, which sets it apart from other winter-active legumes. Its adaptability to such conditions makes it an ideal choice for erosion control and the restoration of disturbed soil, further highlighting its role in sustainable agriculture and land management practices.
NRCS Plant Profile:
NRCS Plant Fact Sheet:
Photo Credit: Melissa McMasters
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