How To Order: Quantity options listed represent bulk weights. Examples: 1 = 1 lbs, 25 = 25 bs.
Common Name: Muttongrass
Scientific Name: Poa fendleriana
Native / Introduced: Native
Main Uses:
~Habitat Restoration
Height: 1/2 - 2 feet
Root Type: Bunchgrass
Growing Season: Cool
Soil Types: Best on well drained clay loames and sometimes on sandy and gravelly textures
Sun or Shade: Full Sunlight
Minimum Precipitation: 14-20 inches
Lifecycle: Perennial
Planting Seed Rate: 2 lbs/ac
Estimated Seeds Per Pound: 890,000
Optimal Planting Season: Fall/Spring
Planting Depth: 1/4 inch
Muttongrass is a long-lived, cool-season, bunchgrass that is commonly found in various habitats throughout the western states, ranging in elevation from 3,000 to 11,000 ft. It is one of the most drought-tolerant and low moisture requiring bluegrass species. It is best adapted to well-drained clay-loam soils, although it can also grow on sandy and gravelly soils. Muttongrass is adapted to sites receiving 14 to 22 inches of precipitation annually. It is a very palatable and nutritious forage for both wildlife and livestock, and is often used in restoration efforts for a variety of habitats in the western United States.
To successfully establish Muttongrass for pasture or rangeland, it is crucial to provide sufficient moisture. This can be accomplished by conducting proper site preparation, which includes soil testing and amendment, as well as utilizing irrigation or seed drilling techniques that promote effective seed-to-soil contact. Planting Muttongrass in suitable conditions and at the appropriate time of year is also important to ensure optimal germination and growth.
NRCS Plant Profile:
NRCS Plant Guide:
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