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How To Order: Quantity options listed represent bulk weights. Examples: 1 = 1 lbs, 25 = 25 bs. 


Common Name: Western Yarrow

Scientific Name: Achillea millefolium occidentalis

Native / Introduced: Native

Main Uses:

~Revegitation & Stabilization
~Wildlife Habitat Restoration
~Wildlfower Plantings

Height: 1/2 - 2 feet

Colors: White

Flowering Season: Late Spring & Summer

Soil Types: Most soil types, prefers medium soils

Tolerances: Drought

Sun or Shade: Full sun, partial shade

Minimum Precipitation: 8 inches

Lifecycle: Perennial

Planting Seed Rate: 0.25-0.5 lbs/acre

Estimated Seeds Per Pound: 2,770,000

Optimal Planting Season: Fall/Spring

Planting Depth: Surface to 1/8 inch

Stratification Required: Cold for 1 month



Western Yarrow is a sub-species of White Yarrow (Common Yarrow) that is native to the western United States. Achillea millefolium occidentalis is a relatively short-lived, erect, perennial wildflower. This hardy plant is rhizomatous, drought-tolerant and aromatic. It produces small clusters of white flowers that bloom in late spring and summer. While the Western yarrow does best in medium textured soils, it can establish and grow in most soils, including disturbed soil.


Western Yarrow is valuable for wildflower mixes, and for revegetation. It is commonly used for stabilization on roadsides, mines sites, and similar project locations. Although this plant has low palatability for most livestock, it is very valuable for wildlife habitat restoration, including sage grouse. Additionally, this subspecies of yarrow is much less aggressive and invasive than some of the other subspecies, and being native to the western US makes it an ideal choice for restoration projects.



NRCS Plant Profile:

NRCS Plant Guide:

NRCS Fact Sheet:

Additional Resources:


Photo Credits: Steve Hurst and Chad K

Western Yarrow Seeds


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