How To Order: Quantity options listed represent bulk weights. Examples: 1 = 1 lbs, 25 = 25 bs.
Common Name: Softstem Bulrush
Scientific Name: Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani
Native / Introduced: Native
Main Uses:
~Wildlife habitat improvement
~Wetland restoration
Height: 4 - 8 feet
Root Type: Sod
Growing Season: Cool
Soil Types:
~Poorly drained soil
~Prefers clay and loamy soil
Tolerances: Fire, saline and alkali
Sun or Shade: Full sun
Water Needs: High
Lifecycle: Perennial
Planting Seed Rate: 4 - 6 lbs/acre
Estimated Seeds Per Pound: 500,000 seeds
Optimal Planting Season: Fall or spring
Planting Depth: 1/4 inch
Category: Grasses
Softstem Bulrush is a perennial, rhizomatous, water-obligate species that typically thrives in wetlands, often forming dense stands. This tall, warm-season grass displays green growth with clusters of brown seeds at its tips. It is commonly found and planted in muddy areas along pond or stream margins and in bog gardens. It typically grows in standing water up to a depth of 12 inches, or in wet soils when exposed to full sunlight.
This species is distributed across the United States and is prevalent in typical wetland sites, ranging from low to mid elevations. Softstem Bulrush exhibits high tolerance to salinity, fire, and moderate alkalinity. It serves as an excellent food source for wildlife and provides cover habitat for various wetland species, especially birds.
NRCS Profile:
NRCS Plant Guide:
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